VINUM Barley Wine label

VINUM Barley Wine

Brauerei Lemke

Barleywine - English

Total (?) 701

Unique (?) 665

Monthly (?) 6

You 0

13.5% ABV

60 IBU


607 Ratings

Barley Wine, Rye Whiskey Barrel Aged Bis zu 12 Monate auf Roggen-Whiskey-Fässern Show More
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VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

abbacher is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke at Untappd at Home

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Sky's the Limit (Level 12) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 12) badge!

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VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

Sergi El pingüí is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke at Biermeisterei Lemke

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Beer of the World (Level 2) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 2) badge! Wheel of Styles (Level 2) Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 2) badge!
VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

billyussher is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

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Brewery Pioneer (Level 6) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 6) badge! Beer of the World (Level 4) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 4) badge!

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VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

Jan is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke at Das Lemke

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Sky's the Limit (Level 23) Earned the Sky's the Limit (Level 23) badge!
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VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

Mauricio Fonseca is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke at Das Lemke

Bottle Bottle

The Wine of Beers (Level 2) Earned the The Wine of Beers (Level 2) badge! Das Boot (Level 2) Earned the Das Boot (Level 2) badge!

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VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

Robert van Tilborg is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke at Das Lemke

Bottle Bottle

The Wine of Beers (Level 7) Earned the The Wine of Beers (Level 7) badge! Das Boot  (Level 11) Earned the Das Boot (Level 11) badge!

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VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke

Marcin W. is drinking a VINUM Barley Wine by Brauerei Lemke at Untappd at Home

Was für ein schöner Barleywine - runde Aromenschelle mit feinen Fass-Aromen.

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