Er!kson: Lukas Ja no es Bier usm IC Adventskalender glaubs 😅
5.5% ABV
51 Ratings
Thomas Jaberg is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at ICE 314 International
Rene F is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at ICE 314 Frankfurt - Brüssel
Robert M is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Bier Factory Rapperswil AG
Garrett is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Untappd at Home
Over carb can again, but mouthfeel on basic ipa is nice and robust. Few tweaks and this one is also a legend
Purchased at Braucheib
Peter Cartwright is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Untappd at Home
Kevin Kälin is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Greenfield Festival - Interlaken
Janik Streit is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib
Damian is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Untappd at Home
Liecht und hopfig, eher uf de bittere siite aber mega easy drinking.
Lea is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Untappd at Home
Michi is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Untappd at Home
Wolfgang Baumer is drinking a Heiri by Braucheib at Untappd at Home
Purchased at