9% ABV
40 IBU
471 Ratings
9% ABV
40 IBU
471 Ratings
Anthony Debray is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Barbylone
Denis Anton is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
LCI Beaucoup de marqueurs d'une tripel (dominante levuré girofle, banane, poivre) avec des accents houblonnés modérés et aromatiques. Le tout avec un corps assez crémeux mais pas trop lourd.
Jens Everaert is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Prik&Tik Dranken Geers
Jo Reeber is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Purchased at The Bottle Shop
Filip De jonghe is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Thomas De Rooy is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Helmer van Maarschalkerweerd is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Een triple wheat IPA, het is een ware smaaksensatie. Mooi verpakt ook. Kan niet zeggen dat het mijn favoriet is.
Purchased at The Bottle Shop
Neel BOONE is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
H ⭐ P ⭐ G is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Tai Pan
A hazy bright golden yellow beer with a white lacing. Aroma of strong wheat malt, citra, banana. Taste of yellow stone fruits, sweet wheat malt, banana, some floral hops, moderate bitterness.
Purchased at Drink Peiffer S.a.
Nicolas Fassin is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Gorgées - Bar À Boire
Tristan Van weersch is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Gorgées - Bar À Boire
Jörgen verbeke is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Stacks
Nicolas Kirch is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Drink Peiffer S.a.
Robbe Van Leeuwen is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at De Cuytegemhoeve
Lennart Van stichel is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at De Cuytegemhoeve
Evert Huylebroeck is drinking an Of Wolf And Man by Brasserie Lupulus at Untappd at Home