Coetus Framboise label

Coetus Framboise

Brasserie l'Apaisée

Sour - Fruited

Total (?) 191

Unique (?) 182

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

7.5% ABV



162 Ratings

Result of a blend of mixed fermentation oak barrel aged brews with 350gr/l of raspbe Show More
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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Patrick T is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Big raspberry, puckering sourness, tart red fruits, cherry. Puckering acidic sourness, vinegar. Very nice, sour fruits. Good stuff.

Bottle Bottle

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Alex Bläsi is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Danys

Ganz riifi himbeeri… das bier macht fröid

Bottle Bottle

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Geri Vonlanthen is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Style Quest: Sour - Fruited Earned the Style Quest: Sour - Fruited badge! 99 Bottles (Level 68) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 68) badge!

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Adi G is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Viaduc de Grandfey

Bottle Bottle

Style Quest: Sour - Fruited Earned the Style Quest: Sour - Fruited badge! Super Style: Sour - Fruited Earned the Super Style: Sour - Fruited badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 5) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 5) badge! Call of the Swiss (Level 46) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 46) badge!

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Kim Lê Ngoc is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Style Quest: Sour - Fruited Earned the Style Quest: Sour - Fruited badge! Call of the Swiss (Level 12) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 12) badge!

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Jöris Räven is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle

Style Quest: Sour - Fruited Earned the Style Quest: Sour - Fruited badge! Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) Earned the Beer Connoisseur (Level 4) badge!

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Merijn van Hout is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Prachtig bier!

Purchased at De Biersalon

Bottle Bottle

Brewery Pioneer (Level 76) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 76) badge!
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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

wouter veltman is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Untappd at Home

Taster Taster

Brewery Pioneer (Level 45) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 45) badge!
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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Mmmatze is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Untappd at Home

Purchased at Qoqa

Bottle Bottle

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 44) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 44) badge!

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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Gomi Gomringer is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

Bottle Bottle

Call of the Swiss (Level 82) Earned the Call of the Swiss (Level 82) badge!
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Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée

erik tB is drinking a Coetus Framboise by Brasserie l'Apaisée at Den Brouwer Berghem

Niet te verwarren met coïtus frambose

Taster Taster

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 54) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 54) badge!
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