6.2% ABV
54 IBU
6,981 Ratings
6.2% ABV
54 IBU
6,981 Ratings
Pierre Bossennec is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Untappd at Home
Michael Vermeulen is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Untappd at Home
Not that great a breakfast beer
Guillaume Loyant is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham
Michel Masson is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Le Terminal
Purchased at Le Terminal
Alain Quevillon is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham
Magnus Johansson is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham
Josh Learn is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham
Session IPA. Good orange pour with creamy head and lacing. Hoppy, pine-forward aroma with light malt and light bitterness. Average carbonation. Probably the best of a load of pale ales I had the other night at Vices et Versa on tap.
Metalchopz is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Untappd at Home
One of the most refreshing, regular IPA I must of had.
Purchased at IGA extra Famille Charles
Bastien Beaudry is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at La Choppe Gobeline
Kevin Boudreau is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Untappd at Home
Purchased at La Glacière de l'Est
Pascal Henrard is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham
En préparant le carbonara avec les amis. La veille d’aller à Washington pour une journée « historique ». Parfaitement équilibrée et agréable. Ça donne envie de s’installer à Dunham
Tony Brien is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Untappd at Home
Martin Bergeron is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at Untappd at Home
Kevin is drinking a Leo's Early Breakfast IPA by Brasserie Dunham at BEER Paris