Cinsault (2022) label

Cinsault (2022)

Vintage of Cinsault

Brasserie Cantillon

Lambic - Fruit

Total (?) 418

Unique (?) 385

Monthly (?) 1

You 0

6.5% ABV



349 Ratings

This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.

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Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Steven Vermeylen is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon at Untappd at Home

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99 Bottles (Level 20) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 20) badge! Silence of the Lambics (Level 23) Earned the Silence of the Lambics (Level 23) badge!
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Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Steven Lintermans is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon at Station Booischot

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Silence of the Lambics (Level 73) Earned the Silence of the Lambics (Level 73) badge!
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Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Rodolfo Ruiz is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

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Cheers To You! (Level 9) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 9) badge! 99 Bottles (Level 19) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 19) badge!

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Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Simon Desrochers is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 58) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 58) badge! Silence of the Lambics (Level 56) Earned the Silence of the Lambics (Level 56) badge!
Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Maxime Julien-ouellet is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Silence of the Lambics (Level 46) Earned the Silence of the Lambics (Level 46) badge!
Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Petter Knudsen is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Liquid Lunch Earned the Liquid Lunch badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 12) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 12) badge! Silence of the Lambics Earned the Silence of the Lambics badge!
Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

kjell henning thon is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon at Brasserie Cantillon Brouwerij (Cantillon - Brouwerij en Brussels Museum van de Geuze)

Fortsatt mye tanniner og balanserende friskhet. Nesten litt bringebærsyrlighet. Liker den bedre enn sist!

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Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon

Gerard dN is drinking a Cinsault (2022) by Brasserie Cantillon at Brasserie Cantillon Brouwerij (Cantillon - Brouwerij en Brussels Museum van de Geuze)

Super donkerrode kleur, prachtig. Diepe vineuze smaak met een wrange nasmaak. Weinig koolzuur maar net genoeg om de smaken mooi te laten doorkomen. Lekker hoor......

Purchased at Brasserie Cantillon Brouwerij (Cantillon - Brouwerij en Brussels Museum van de Geuze)

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