Adam: damn right, man, love it! Made me laugh at your comment at the top.
8.5% ABV
65 IBU
37 Ratings
Brandon Bertolo is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Bff's House Of Food And Love
Gary Jackson is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing
In the bottle. Amazing. Gin stands out, hops come in close second. Best one ever from BBC.
Brian Biesenkamp is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at BiesenHaus
The purple fumes are a different high.
Adam: damn right, man, love it! Made me laugh at your comment at the top.
Brian Biesenkamp: awesome. Cheers!
Adam: and just think this Fall, we can both root against the cowboys together! Hell yeah!
Adam: if it was me, I'd try to paint that camoulflage, but I think you get me and I don't know what gender you're puttin' in there either.
Brian Biesenkamp: The boy is going in the blue/yellow room and the girl is going in the purple/pink room. I'm trying to get all the colors in tonight.
Brian Biesenkamp: Yes. I will have many beers with you while Jerrys latest team implodes.
Brian Biesenkamp is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at BiesenHaus
I brought this home in a nice little crowler and it's going to help me paint tonight.
shawn is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Beaver Brewing Company
jamie h. is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Beaver Brewing Company
Lora Biesenkamp is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Beaver Brewing Company
Brian Biesenkamp is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Beaver Brewing Company
This is wild and excellent. The flavor from the gin comes through on the front and it has a nice Citra finish.
Jack JD is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Beaver Brewing Company
Very good beer. We'll done
Jason Spickerman is drinking a Beer Cocktail by Beaver Brewing at Beaver Brewing Company
Coconut porterA is unbelievable! Smooth, Bold, and beautiful!