7% ABV
686 Ratings
Imdownthepub is drinking a Hats by Beak
Dena Kennedy is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Magnus Svensson is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
En komplex IPA med både en viss jästsmak och en liten rökighet.
Robin Qvarfordt is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Jari Kankaala is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Peter W is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
John Granqvist is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Linus Ahlman is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Purchased at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
lasse zackrisson is drinking a Hats by Beak at The Bishops Arms Göteborg Plaza
Paul Marine is drinking a Hats by Beak at Untappd at Home
Bitter melon with a dank piney finish
Purchased at Beer Merchants Tap
Chris Loudon is drinking a Hats by Beak at Untappd at Home
A bit too piney for my liking but otherwise soft and hoppy
Purchased at Beer Merchants Tap
Aug '23. Draught at the Beer:shop, St. Albans, Herts.