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Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Great stuff. Apple-picking done, wash - chop - scrat - press tomorrow.

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
We'll have finished these by Christmas lol.
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Not many to go now. Still good.
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Cheers to Beer on Wednesday on Monday. Our very own newly(ish) qualified Physics Teacher has joined us and confirmed that teaching teenagers is the perfect career! For him. We'll ignore his unfortunate drawing skills 😂
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Another great bottle of a lovely saison.
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Saving yesterday's leftover Chardonnay and dutifully drinking this current batch of saison. Very nice it is too.
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Cheers Beer on Wednesday on Monday and thanks Mr J for the adapted logo (which I didn't see cos I was wielding the sugar soap upstairs at the time). Fortunately I quite like this small batch brew. Cheers again!
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Perfect for a Friday night. Shame I didn't get to go to Creative Juices with everyone else this afternoon. Serves me right for sitting looking at a blank screen all morning. Ah well, you can't hurry genius inspiration. 😂
Purchased at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home

Asterids Evunkle is drinking a Saison's Greetings by BassoonBrew at Untappd at Home
Still young, shows promise.
Purchased at Untappd at Home

And another. This MAY be the last; it was right at the back of the fridge. Or it may be the second to last. 😁