Havnesæson Blend 4 label

Havnesæson Blend 4

Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Farmhouse Ale - Saison

Total (?) 1,581

Unique (?) 1,477

Monthly (?) 40

You 0

8.1% ABV



1,404 Ratings

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Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Thomas Madsen is drinking a Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Ligesom vi skal have et øje på at bære juletræet ud, skal vi have et øje på at drikke 25. december-flasken.

Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Rasmus Geneser Andersen is drinking a Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Bottle Bottle

99 Bottles (Level 51) Earned the 99 Bottles (Level 51) badge! Danish Delight (Level 89) Earned the Danish Delight (Level 89) badge!
Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Tobias Flott is drinking a Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Bottle Bottle

Middle of the Road (Level 7) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 7) badge!
Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Christoffer Andersen is drinking a Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending at Brønshøj Kebab


Bottle Bottle

Trip to the Farm Earned the Trip to the Farm badge! Danish Delight (Level 26) Earned the Danish Delight (Level 26) badge!

Check-in Photo

Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Henry Welsch is drinking a Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending at Untappd at Home

10€ à Maastricht, une aubaine! 😋🤤 Gouté le blend 1 en 2019. Très délice, bien rustique m.

Bottle Bottle

Danish Delight (Level 24) Earned the Danish Delight (Level 24) badge!
Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending

Sune Østergaard is drinking a Havnesæson Blend 4 by Baghaven Brewing and Blending at Untappd at Home

ØJ24: 25. december. Tak for en fantastisk kalender. Der er nok nogen, der glemte at tælle Havnesæson med blandt de spændende øl i år, fordi den ikke var i kassen, men den har niveauet til mere end Silkeborg! Stald, syre og masser af flot skum! Toldermania


Bottle Bottle

Verified Adventure (Level 50) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 50) badge!

Check-in Photo

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