12.1% ABV
299 Ratings
Hopfenkumpel is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Steffen R is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI
Solidaire is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Blech.Brut
Rainer Nagel is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Rainer's Home
Purchased at Blech.Brut
Edwin Creemers is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Beer Cellar @ Teunkes
Katharina is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
F: dunkelstes braun fast schwarz ultra trüb G: Schokolade, Kaffee, leicht Holz GS: süß, viel Schokolade, Whiskey, Eiche, sehr weicher Kern, stark Kaffee im Abgang
Rob van der Werff is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Nobodys Birthday🤔. Nou.. dacht het wel😉🥳. #BirthdayBeer
Purchased at vin abc
Peter Maffai is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
süß in der nase süße im geschmack röste hintenrum leichte bittere
Morten Sørensen is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Biererei Store
Seb Mehler is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Oliver Loeber is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Schön samtig im Mund, zunächst etwas Süße mit Kaffeenoten, dann etwas Fass mit Vanille und Kokos. Die Whiskeyreste aus dem Fass sind kaum zu erschmecken. Am Ende dann leichte Säure. Sehr komplexes Imperial Stout.
Henning Gulli is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Ølhula
Benny is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Food Atelier
LCI. Chocolate, bitter and bourbon barrels. Souvenir from our trip to Frankfurt.
Purchased at naïv STORE & TASTING ROOM
Ofishl is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Biererei Bar & Vintage Cellar
J & JP is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Toukola
Coffeeish/raw cocoa, bourbon , elegant, aromatic and boozy.
Torben Sonnemans is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI
Purchased at De Biersalon
Rob Reijnaerdts is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Vestapaedje
Purchased at De Biersalon
Sten Aavel is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Kottbusser Damm
Best beer I had in Germany. Of course its a stout. Very smooth stout, different notes of sourness, smokiness coming through. Exceptional can design.
Purchased at Biererei Store
Christian is drinking a NOBODYS BIRTHDAY | bourbon | nocturne rouge series 1/5 by ATELIER VRAI at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Blech.Brut