Andiamo Brew: Great meeting you and thanks for coming by for a taste! 🍻
3.5% ABV
31 Ratings
BLT is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Untappd at Home
Michael Liachowitz is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Lowry Beer Garden
Kevin Fanciulli is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Untappd at Home
Jeremy Guy is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Wood Paddle Pizza
Tom is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Parker Pour House
Purchased at Parker Pour House
Beer Geek is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Cedar Creek Pub
Andiamo Brew: Great meeting you and thanks for coming by for a taste! 🍻
Vladimir Brustman: Andiamo Brew glad to try your beer! Cheers and hope you had a good festival:)
Lainey Ross is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Edgewater Beer Garden
Scott Steigerwald is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at King Soopers Grocery Pickup and Delivery
Pool's closed, but the upper deck is still awesome. Very flavorful for its abv.
j j is drinking a Piccolito by Andiamo Brew at Walter's303 Pizzeria & Publik House | Uptown
Free Pour ! It's a Pils. I'm not gonna lie , this beer is not that bad. As Greg P. would say, it's a Lawnmower Beer. Crisp, Clean , Refreshing!
Purchased at Walter's303 Pizzeria & Publik House | Uptown
Tasting 0 hops