Dwayne Douglas: Enjoyed this 12 yr old brew!
9.5% ABV
52 IBU
37,456 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
9.5% ABV
52 IBU
37,456 Ratings
This beer is no longer being produced by the brewery.
Beñat Txurruka is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at 4 Pedres
Alfredo Franco Schiavi is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company
Anthony Anderson is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Paulo Azevedo is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at Bar Box
Mike T is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company
4.0 - Ratebeer - 30 Dec 2013
Fred is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company
[RB 4.4 30/08/16] Magnifique robe cuivrée, mousse minimale. Nez caramel, toffee, fruits confits, prune, liqueur. Bouche sucrée et amère, toffee, marmelade, prune, finale houblons herbeux. Corps liquoreux et dense, la longueur interminable. Un vrai régal
Blake Mikesell is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at château Earl
Siri..When was anchor born?
Jorge Medina Engelmann is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at Drinkers Pub
Jason Lucas is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at Untappd at Home
Lindsy Bouten is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company
Lci.mooie balans tussen moutzoetje en moutbittertje. Beetje karamel, ahorn.
Jordi Surià is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at La Cervesera Artesana
Bye bye Anchor Brewing...
Cody Bentley is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at Sigma Quadrant
Dwayne Douglas: Enjoyed this 12 yr old brew!
Magnus Johansson is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company
Från Ratebeer april 15
Daniel Lundin is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at Man in the Moon
Purchased at Man in the Moon
Sara Resendez is drinking an Old Foghorn by Anchor Brewing Company at The Ungertaker’s Lounge
Purchased at Drinkers Pub