Mark Scheitlin: One of my favorite California brewers - didn’t realize they distributed to CO 👀
8.5% ABV
2,445 Ratings
Nikko Montana is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at The Grill House
Purchased at The Grill House
Jose Guerrero is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery
Purchased at beerloversyou
Rigo Aguayo is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Brentwood Craft Beer and Cider
Kyle Schelhaas is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Coaltrain Wine and Spirits
Andy Huntington is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Upper Rockridge
Very good but maybe not quite as strong as I remember it.
Purchased at Cask Taproom
Josh Holland is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery
Deno is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Hero Headquarters
8.5% GAMB™️
Shane is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Aurora Borealis (new house)
Bright resiny tropical fruit. Bitter balancing the flavors. Very nice West Coast Double
Purchased at Heritage Wine & Liquor
Mark Scheitlin: One of my favorite California brewers - didn’t realize they distributed to CO 👀
Shane: We get occasional drops.
Geoff Colbourne is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery
manu eltschinger is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Untappd at Home
Mark Wandzilak is drinking a Double Mai Tai (White Label) by Alvarado Street Brewery at Untappd at Home
The pop of the can brings a subtle but awesome fruity aroma. Nice mango fruitiness which is not over powering on the pallet, hoppiness turns on and a dry smooth finish leaves you wanting more. Not a thick juicy IPA, but not a bitter West Coast either. Wow
Purchased at Cask
Rocktopus: Booking a ticket to the west coast now 😉
Mark Wandzilak: Can waiting for you in the fridge!
Zeer fijne tropical IPA, al had ik hem nog meer overweldigend verwacht (!). Ja, ondankbaar kind dat ik ben 🤣. Soit, heel goede IPA hoor ! 🙂😋 [gekocht bij Beer Rebels]