Lettuce Katy label

Lettuce Katy

2nd Shift Brewing

Brett Beer

Total (?) 16

Unique (?) 16

Monthly (?) 0

You 0

5.4% ABV



12 Ratings

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Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

DJ Funk Space is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

Arguably the most perfect Katy variant ever. Thanks for making this happen Libby!

Cask Cask

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Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

valerie is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

Had to try it. I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely had more lemongrass flavor than lettuce (which really tastes like nothing right?)

Cask Cask

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Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Joshua Hellums is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

Lettuce appreciate the power of the people! Demand it and it will be brewed! #lettucebeers2022

Draft Draft

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Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Jeff is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

Draft Draft

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 94) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 94) badge!
Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

James Rantanen is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

Cask Cask

Will lettuce beers be the next trend? If they are all this good then maybe 🤷

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 26) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 26) badge!
Tagged Friends
Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Chris B is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing


Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 3) Earned the Cheers to Independent U.S. Craft Breweries (Level 3) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 41) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 41) badge! Pucker Up (Level 56) Earned the Pucker Up (Level 56) badge! Fruits of Your Labor (Level 14) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 14) badge!
Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Katie Harrill is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

The best lettuce beer I've ever had.

Draft Draft

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 52) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 52) badge!

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Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Derek Theisen is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room

Romaine calm. Lettuce appreciate this momentous occasion

Cask Cask

Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Brian is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Cask Cask

Fruits of Your Labor (Level 65) Earned the Fruits of Your Labor (Level 65) badge!
Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing

Darby is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room


Cheers To You! (Level 9) Earned the Cheers To You! (Level 9) badge! Trip to the Farm (Level 29) Earned the Trip to the Farm (Level 29) badge!

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