Adam Spiros: Ok….is this exactly what it sounds like it is?
5.4% ABV
12 Ratings
DJ Funk Space is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Arguably the most perfect Katy variant ever. Thanks for making this happen Libby!
valerie is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Had to try it. I was pleasantly surprised. Definitely had more lemongrass flavor than lettuce (which really tastes like nothing right?)
Stephanie Hellums is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Joshua Hellums is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Lettuce appreciate the power of the people! Demand it and it will be brewed! #lettucebeers2022
Jeff is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
James Rantanen is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Chris B is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing
Katie Harrill is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
The best lettuce beer I've ever had.
Derek Theisen is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Romaine calm. Lettuce appreciate this momentous occasion
Brian is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing
Adam Spiros: Ok….is this exactly what it sounds like it is?
Kevin Hogan: Adam S. Sure is
Adam Spiros: And…can you taste actual lettuce flavor??? Seems like it would be too mild of a flavor to detect
Kevin Hogan: Adam S. Shhh. Stop asking questions
Adam Spiros: 😢
Gary H is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Darby is drinking a Lettuce Katy by 2nd Shift Brewing at 2nd Shift Brewing and Tasting Room
Bradley H: Wait....what!??
Mon, 25 Jul 2022 13:44:00 +0000 Report