Global Recent Activity

Madrunk is drinking a Midnight by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at The Brunchers

George Karagiannis is drinking a Pulsar by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews)

Alex Skoufes is drinking a Locki by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Beer Alley

Alex Skoufes is drinking a Pulsar by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Beer Alley

Barbora Kovacova is drinking a Pulsar by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Strange Brew Taproom & Bottleshop

Filip Bukovina is drinking an Enigma by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Strange Brew Taproom & Bottleshop

Nick Karagiannes is drinking a Pulsar by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Strange Brew Taproom & Bottleshop

Dimitris Panoutsopoulos is drinking a Locki by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Beer Alley

Oipunk3 is drinking a Midnight by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Strange Brew Taproom & Bottleshop

Stelios Kyriakopoulos is drinking a Pulsar by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Alchimistis
Purchased at Alchimistis

Primity is drinking a Pulsar by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Beer Alley

Mart is drinking a Blame the Sun & Xaos West Coast IPA (2024) by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Jesus Is Lord Church Athens
Magus, mõru, linnaseline, veits karamelline, nats vaigune, puuviljane. Ok.
Purchased at Barley Cargo

Madrunk is drinking a Blame the Sun & Xaos West Coast IPA (2024) by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Athens Holiday Park

mustardnoise is drinking a Comet by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Brew Str

Μανος Βουλαδελης is drinking a Locki by Χάος Brews (Chaos Brews) at Alchimistis
Purchased at Alchimistis
Magus, mõru, vesine, kohvine, röstine, kuiv. Ok.
Purchased at Brew Str