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Mike Brady is drinking an Orange Cats by Wishbone at Jacobs Ale House

Dave Carling is drinking a Social Banter by Wishbone at Blue Boar

Líam P is drinking a Random Rakau by Wishbone at Guild Ale House
Oooh I like this. Not a hop I'm aware of, and it's very distinctive. Sour, to a point; woody to a degree. Really interesting overall flavour. 🍻 84 🏭 50 💫 1

Simon Bourke is drinking a Social Banter by Wishbone at King's Hall & Winter Garden

David Beswick is drinking a Random Rakau by Wishbone at Guild Ale House
Cracking Wishbone pale this, big fan of NZ hops and it’s been done great in this cask pale.

Neil Moon is drinking a Random Rakau by Wishbone at Guild Ale House
Saturday afternoon beers. Enjoying this very good wishbone pale cask. Good fruity low malt and just the right level of bitterness. Great pub this.

Nathan Turnbull is drinking an Abyss by Wishbone at Doncaster Brewery & Tap
Purchased at Doncaster Brewery & Tap

William Sutcliffe is drinking a Tiller Pin by Wishbone at King's Hall & Winter Garden

Chris Nightingale is drinking an Abyss by Wishbone at Doncaster Brewery & Tap

Purchased at Jacobs Ale House