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John Mackenzie is drinking a Dolcé Noir 2024 by White Bay Brewery at Untappd at Home

Sam Markham is drinking a Hazy Pale Ale by White Bay Brewery at NRMA Sydney Lakeside Holiday Park

Sally Bray is drinking an Oktoberfest Helles Bock 2024 by White Bay Brewery at Trio Infinity Pool
Love it. Malty, fruity, bitter. Very tasty.
Purchased at Camperdown Cellars

J B is drinking an Extra Pale Lager (XPL) by White Bay Brewery at Cellarbrations at Tottenham
Like the Czech Pilsner with the mix dialed back to 75%. To my palate all the same flavour just less of it. You can have 5 of these or 4 of the Czech Pils. Almost like the expression “6 and half a (baker’s) dozen of the other”

Lance Haeden is drinking a Twilight Sky NZ IPA by White Bay Brewery at Warrimoo Station
Purchased at Murray's Porters Liquor Glenbrook

J B is drinking a Czech Pilsner by White Bay Brewery at Cellarbrations at Tottenham
Pale lagery sweetness - made me confused about the descriptor ‘biscuity’ - cookie, cracker or US scone. This is a US app so I’m guessing the latter. This beer more like spicy lemon crème shortbread. Crisp, “smashable”. Need to memorize the ‘Czech’ part.

Joel Riley is drinking a Dawn's Promise DDH IPA by White Bay Brewery at Wayward Brewing

Peter Dickinson is drinking a Dawn's Promise DDH IPA by White Bay Brewery at Wayward Brewing
Purchased at Wayward Brewing

Peter Dickinson is drinking a Mer Made by White Bay Brewery at Wayward Brewing

Joel Riley is drinking a Mer Made by White Bay Brewery at Wayward Brewing

Tim Date is drinking a Dawn's Promise DDH IPA by White Bay Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Bateau Bay Cellars

Tim Date is drinking a Tipo "00" Italian Pilsner by White Bay Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Bateau Bay Cellars

Motochris is drinking a Balmain Bayou Hazy IPA by White Bay Brewery at Quarrymans Hotel
Great brew fresh at the Q. Nice and smooth, great juicy flavour profile 🍻🙌🏽🇦🇺
Purchased at Quarrymans Hotel

Nick Bell is drinking a Nebulosity Hazy Pale Ale by White Bay Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at White Bay Beer Co

Clem Murdoch is drinking a Serpents Creek American Pale Ale by White Bay Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at White Bay Beer Co

Grant Roberts is drinking a Balmain Bayou Hazy IPA by White Bay Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Beer Barrel