Global Recent Activity

Raymond Bucher is drinking a Christmas With Kids by UGAR Brewery at Baszoba

Roland Őze is drinking a Trailer #031 - Byzantine Alchemy by UGAR Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at To The Talk

Gergely P. is drinking a Post Holiday Blues by UGAR Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Stifler Beerhouse & Kitchen

Zsolt Perczák is drinking a Trailer #030 - Naughty Nectar by UGAR Brewery at Wunder Sörművek

György Gyenge is drinking a Donga Project IV - Eger Red Wine Barrelaged Imperial Pastry Stout by UGAR Brewery at George's Lair
Purchased at Beerselection

Lars Larsson is drinking a Trailer #031 - Byzantine Alchemy by UGAR Brewery at Beerselection

Andris Petőcz is drinking a Trailer #026 - Life Choices by UGAR Brewery
Purchased at One Beer Store

Barnabas Barko is drinking a Trailer #031 - Byzantine Alchemy by UGAR Brewery at KEG Sörművház

Szilárd Olcsvári is drinking a Trailer #026 - Life Choices by UGAR Brewery at Untappd at Home
Purchased at One Beer Pub

Szabó Lajos is drinking a Post Holiday Blues by UGAR Brewery at Kossuth Utcai Reformatus Templom
Nekem ez nagyon igen #superbowl
Purchased at Szóda Bár

Szabó Lajos is drinking a Trailer #028 Juicy Bombs by UGAR Brewery at Gyémát Körömszalon
Krémes NEIPA, CHIEFS KINGDOM #superbowl #before
Purchased at Szóda Bár

Toldi Tamás is drinking a Post Holiday Blues by UGAR Brewery at Plebs Crust & Craft
Purchased at Plebs Crust & Craft
Szerintem harmadjára lepődöm meg azon, hogy 13% Hidegen gejl, melegedve összeáll arra, amire emlékeztem.
Purchased at Bródy Italintézet