dstieler: Mmmm...Sounds good
Global Recent Activity
Emma Brown is drinking a Green Banshee by Twisted Vine Brewery
Jeremy is drinking a Black Walnut White Stout by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Jeremy is drinking a Mint Shock-O-Lot by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Jeremy is drinking a Barb’s Raspberry Tart Cream Ale by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Julia Stone is drinking a Barb’s Raspberry Tart Cream Ale by Twisted Vine Brewery
Keith Welch is drinking a Strawberry Rosé Gosé by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Becky Forschen is drinking a Barb’s Raspberry Tart Cream Ale by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
GomerB is drinking a 5 Amigos by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Dean Forschen is drinking a Black Walnut White Stout by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Jenn Goodell is drinking a Lady Shock-o-Lot by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Kelly Anderson: Thanks for the invite! 😝
Jenn Goodell: That’s funny because we considered texting you guys but I figure you’ll have your fill of the Goodells between WI and the game next weekend. Hehe
Kelly Anderson: I was teasing. You deserve Anderson-free time.
BuzzinDSM is drinking a Barrel Aged Peanut Butter Porter by Twisted Vine Brewery at Twisted Vine Brewery
Purchased at Twisted Vine Brewery