Beer List

IPA - American
Beary Hoppy Ale was the name of one of our founders’ first batch of beer, and behind his drive to understand brewing. Not that long ago, you couldn’t… Read More

Tropical Smoothie Sour Ale With Mango, Guava, Passion Fruit
Sour - Fruited
Fruity, creamy, tart & dreamy tropical smoothie. Began as sour split batch & was treated with tons of tropical fruits, vanilla beans and milk sugar. Read More

Brown Ale - English
A cap tip to the mark Englishman Oglethorpe left on Georgia, we doubled the strength of an English Brown, then age it in Georgia Rye Whiskey barrels. Read More

Barleywine - English
Blend of English Barleywine, Imperial English Brown, and Russian Imperial Stout aged in a Palm Ridge Whiskey barrel

Porter - Baltic
Baltic Porter, with late addition Brett, aged in Jack Daniels Whiskey Barrel

Cherry Cinnamon Sweet Hard Apple Cider
Cider - Sweet
A sweet hard apple cider back sweetened with tart cherry and cinnamon