Global Recent Activity

Ben Edwards is drinking a Wolf Pack by The Southern Growl at Untappd at Home
Purchased at The Southern Growl

Karen Wakefield is drinking a Plenty of Plush: Adorable Alora by The Southern Growl at Craft Kitchen
Good hazy from Greer, SC👍

Roberto J. Santiago is drinking a Hop Flower Super Power by The Southern Growl at Backstreets Grill
Purchased at Backstreets Grill

Keith Hopton is drinking a Plenty of Plush: Adorable Alora by The Southern Growl at Craft Kitchen
Purchased at Craft Kitchen

Ryan Gaston is drinking an I Made My Family Disappear (2024 Brandy Barrel Aged) by The Southern Growl at Untappd at Home

Heather Harrison is drinking a Plenty of Plush: Adorable Alora by The Southern Growl at BREWS on Main

Krystal Brewer is drinking a Right Dog Red by The Southern Growl at Bolts & Brews Beer Garden

Jeremy Turner is drinking a Quad Bless Your Heart by The Southern Growl at Green's Beverage Warehouse
Nice quad
Purchased at Green's Beverage Warehouse

Chet Richardson is drinking a Gröwl Kölsch by The Southern Growl at Brewmasters - Goldsboro

Joey Swearingen is drinking a Hop Flower Super Power by The Southern Growl at Backstreets Grill

Rick Gibbons is drinking a Quad Bless Your Heart by The Southern Growl
Purchased at Green's Beverage Warehouse

Alex Schmitt is drinking a Hop Flower Super Power by The Southern Growl at The Southern Growl

Brian Baker is drinking a Right Dog Red by The Southern Growl at The Lazy Goat
Decent Irish red
Purchased at The Lazy Goat

Purchased at Lowes Foods #264 - Simpsonville