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Tom Platt is drinking a Serpent's Kiss by The Grifter Brewing Co.

Martin Krüger is drinking a Pale by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Meriton Suites World Tower
Purchased at Woolworths

Matt Stock is drinking a Parched Pils by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Stowaway Bar
Purchased at Stowaway Bar

everettwhelan is drinking The Omen by The Grifter Brewing Co.

Timwasbeer is drinking a Serpent's Kiss by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Canberra Park

Jon Jermey is drinking a Serpent's Kiss by The Grifter Brewing Co.
If you have to put something in beer, watermelon is not a bad idea. It gives it a lift without interfering with the body.

Davie Firth is drinking a Moderation by The Grifter Brewing Co.

Christian Lindstrøm is drinking a Moderation by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home

Michael is drinking a XPA by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Rydges Mount Panorama
Purchased at Liquorland

Peter Zuiderwyk is drinking a Big Sur by The Grifter Brewing Co.

Glen Darling is drinking a Pale by The Grifter Brewing Co.
Arrrrr... Monday beer is good.. hoppy, bitter, fresh.

Peter Zuiderwyk is drinking a XPA by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Dulcie's

Timothy Journeaux is drinking a Daisy by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home

Peter Evans is drinking a Gold Rush by The Grifter Brewing Co. at Untappd at Home
Nice fresh start almost fruity. Juicy hops in the middle and end. Bitter aftertaste. Not too bad.
Purchased at Dan Murphy's