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Jason Elsas is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company at The Thirsty Mermaid

Thais P is drinking a Tag & Release by Sailfish Brewing Company at Fish Camp Restaurant
Malty, cold, refreshing. 🐟 Some good eating sizes down there….. I sure wouldn’t release them…. I see some ceviche in a very near future. Cheers 🍻

PMAAndy is drinking a Tag & Release by Sailfish Brewing Company at Fish Camp Restaurant

Patrick is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company at Vincent's Ristorante
Excellent IPA! Very crisp with the perfect balance of bitterness and citrus. I wish it was available in Illinois!

Leslie Jannusch is drinking a White Marlin Wit by Sailfish Brewing Company at Disney's Animal Kingdom

Jamie Munson is drinking a Goliath Double IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company

Nick Billiris is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company

Will C is drinking a Vida Cana by Sailfish Brewing Company at Sailfish Brewing Company
Purchased at Sailfish Brewing Company

Hunter Taubes is drinking a Sailfish Lager by Sailfish Brewing Company at Sailfish Brewing Company
This beer is HOT ASS (not the good kind)

Will C is drinking a Coopers Dance by Sailfish Brewing Company at Sailfish Brewing Company
Purchased at Sailfish Brewing Company

Merrill Mason is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company at Untappd at Home

Russell Harder is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company at The Island Fish Company

Joe Holter is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company

David Bachamnn is drinking a Sailfish Lager by Sailfish Brewing Company at Hog's Breath Saloon
Not bad… Key West, FL

Bob Bourgeois is drinking a Sunrise City IPA by Sailfish Brewing Company at The Boathouse

Awesome beer particularly when you are sitting at the waterfront!!!
Purchased at Tiki 52