Global Recent Activity

Charles Kuehn is drinking a Mrs. IPA by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing

Melissa Jackson is drinking a Sonnensaft by Rule105 Brewing

Josh Jenkins is drinking a Perfect Oatmeal Stout by Rule105 Brewing at High Brau Taphouse

Sean Jones is drinking a Perfect Oatmeal Stout by Rule105 Brewing at High Brau Taphouse

Shane is drinking a Perfect Oatmeal Stout by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing
On the left. Bitter chocolate. Not much body

Shane is drinking a Vanilla Patio Porter by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing
On the right. Light vanilla, roast, thin

Mark is drinking a Mrs. IPA by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing
Purchased at Rule 105 Brewing

Alex B is drinking a Sonnensaft by Rule105 Brewing at High Brau Taphouse

Steve Talus is drinking a Smash Juice by Rule105 Brewing at Dukes Steakhouse

Brandon Ohrns is drinking a Sonnensaft by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing

Tom Penman is drinking a Vanilla Patio Porter by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing

Tom Penman is drinking a Perfect Oatmeal Stout by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing

Sydnie McConnell is drinking a Sonnensaft by Rule105 Brewing at Rule 105 Brewing

Scott Kranz is drinking a Signature Chili Wheat by Rule105 Brewing at Kranz Bierhaus
A LOT of initial heat. The heat does mellow oit,but it lingers for a while.