Global Recent Activity
Dušan K. is drinking a Gabčík IPL 13° by Revolucionár at Pivovar MARTINs
Poriadne horké, ale má dymovú podchuť, ktorá tam trošku vadí.
Earned the Lager Jack (Level 12) badge! Earned the Find the Source (Level 2) badge!Realrio is drinking a Revolta 11° by Revolucionár at Revolucionár
Purchased at Revolucionár
Earned the Brew Traveler (Level 2) badge!Peter Šoška is drinking a Záturčianska 11° by Revolucionár at Kastiel Zaturcie
Pivá v Kaštieli Záturčie sú spravidla čapované do zle vyčistených pohárov, čo je vidieť aj na fotkách. Keby boli čisté, v pive by nebolo vidno žiadne bublinky a pena by bola krémovejšia. Chuťovo je pivo nevýrazné a cítil som síru/pokazené vajcia v aróme.
Stan is drinking a Revolucia 14 by Revolucionár at Revolucionár
Stan is drinking a Revolta 11° by Revolucionár at Revolucionár
Lucas Teunissen is drinking a Záturčianska 11° by Revolucionár at Kastiel Zaturcie
Tomáš Kout is drinking a Beerokrat 11,5° by Revolucionár at Autocamping Slnečné Skaly
Evanuella Eva is drinking a Zara by Revolucionár at Revolucionár
Dasha is drinking a Zara by Revolucionár at Revolucionár
Revolucionár - Good beer, rude waiter.. :(
Purchased at Revolucionár
Earned the Draft City (Level 50) badge! Earned the Wheel of Styles (Level 22) badge! Earned the Haze for Days (Level 5) badge!Evanuella Eva is drinking a Revolucia 14 by Revolucionár at Revolucionár
Purchased at Revolucionár
Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 15) badge! Earned the Draft City (Level 11) badge!Jura Danek is drinking a Beerokrat 11,5° by Revolucionár at Stanica Žilina Záriečie
🇸🇰 Salón piva - Summer Edition
Earned the Riding Steady (Level 56) badge! Earned the Draft City (Level 42) badge!