Beat Ming: Das ist aber nicht das Abbaye 2, es wäre das erste 😉 Habe eventuell noch im Keller ein paar Flaschen...
Global Recent Activity

Claude is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Untappd at Home

Salvatore Lagrotteria is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu
Danke Beat M. 😃🍺 #Ale #Bier #Beer #Birra #Bière #啤酒 #Cerveza #Pivo #精酿啤酒 #Craftbeer

ttt is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Oberengstringen, Paradies
thanks Beat M.

Beat Ming is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Oberengstringen, Paradies

Pierrido is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Muttenzerkurve

Marcel R is drinking a BigFoot by Reinecke Bräu at Steelers Cave

R is drinking a Berlin! Berlin! by Reinecke Bräu at Bistrobar Berlin

Bruno Campana is drinking a R.I.S. 2019 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Untappd at Home
Bottle 3 from the SHS contest. Thanks for sharing 😋

Gabi Ammann is drinking a R.I.S. 2019 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Zum Johann Taproom

Beat Ming is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Zum Johann Taproom

Andreas Egloff is drinking a R.I.S. 2021 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Zum Johann Taproom

Martin's Craft Beer Table is drinking a Bière d'Abbaye 2 by Reinecke Bräu at Untappd at Home
Ten years later...

Rolf Wicki is drinking a R.I.S. 2019 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Brau- und Rauchshop GmbH

Rolf Wicki is drinking a R.I.S. 2017 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Brau- und Rauchshop GmbH

Rolf Wicki is drinking a R.I.S. 2015 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Brau- und Rauchshop GmbH

Bov is drinking a R.I.S. 2019 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Brau- und Rauchshop GmbH
Courtesy of Beat

ttt is drinking a R.I.S. 2015 Sibirische Nacht by Reinecke Bräu at Brau- und Rauchshop GmbH
thanks Beat M.