jamesie_o_donoghue_7588: Yess brother

ReVibe by Levante
Subsidiary of Levante Brewing Company
West Chester, PA United States
Micro Brewery
Steve Ioele is drinking a ReVibe - (Peach-Passion) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
Stella Makris is drinking a ReVibe - (Peach-Passion) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
Very light flavor, which isn’t a bad thing. Goes down super easy.
Purchased at Levante Brewing Company
The Dude is drinking a ReVibe - (Orange-Pomegranate) by ReVibe by Levante at Vonnie Gross Turf Field
Chad Mentzer is drinking a ReVibe - (Mango Lime) by ReVibe by Levante at Untappd at Home
Doug is drinking a ReVibe - (Peach-Passion) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
Purchased at Levante Brewing Company
Dennis Cosgrove is drinking a ReVibe - (Orange-Pomegranate) by ReVibe by Levante
Dennis Cosgrove is drinking a ReVibe - (Mango Lime) by ReVibe by Levante at Untappd at Home
Dave Steed is drinking a ReVibe - (Mango Lime) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
mrs_alvin is drinking a ReVibe - (Orange-Pomegranate) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
Refreshing without being too sweet
Eric Dimichele is drinking a ReVibe - (Peach-Passion) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
Purchased at Levante Brewing Company
Kevin Karabin is drinking a ReVibe - (Mango Lime) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
Bobby Rimkis is drinking a ReVibe - (Orange-Pomegranate) by ReVibe by Levante at Levante Brewing Company
John G is drinking a Blueberry Lemonade by ReVibe by Levante at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Levante Brewing Company
Joann G is drinking a Blueberry Lemonade by ReVibe by Levante at Untappd at Home
John Taylor Jr is drinking a Blueberry Lemonade by ReVibe by Levante at Post Office
Smells like candy, tastes super light I get watermelon sour patch more than peach rings. Not carbonated enough in my opinion
Purchased at Levante Brewing Company