Pivovar Potmehúd logo

Pivovar Potmehúd

309, Hlavní město Praha Czech Republic

Contract Brewery

Total (?) 6,237

Unique (?) 1,893

Monthly (?) 101

You 0


5,621 Ratings

55 Beers


Létající pivovar z Prahy založen 03/2018.
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Global Recent Activity

Potmehúd SMaSH the Motueka by Pivovar Potmehúd

Radek Matlák is drinking a Potmehúd SMaSH the Motueka by Pivovar Potmehúd at Untappd at Home

Can Can

Untappd at Home (Level 20) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 20) badge! Pale as the Moon (Level 4) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 4) badge!
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Check-in Photo

Potmehúd SMaSH the Motueka by Pivovar Potmehúd

ExploreSpaceTimeShow ExploreSpaceTimeShow is drinking a Potmehúd SMaSH the Motueka by Pivovar Potmehúd

Middle of the Road (Level 14) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 14) badge! Pale as the Moon (Level 4) Earned the Pale as the Moon (Level 4) badge!
DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd

Tereza Monsportová is drinking a DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd

Draft Draft

Middle of the Road (Level 23) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 23) badge! Czech It Out  (Level 31) Earned the Czech It Out (Level 31) badge!
Tagged Friends
DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd

David Bortel is drinking a DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd at Beertime

Draft Draft

Photogenic Brew  (Level 21) Earned the Photogenic Brew (Level 21) badge!
Tagged Friends

Check-in Photo

DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd

Martin Janoš is drinking a DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd at Beertime

Draft Draft

Draft City (Level 55) Earned the Draft City (Level 55) badge!
DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd

Jiří Voběrek is drinking a DDH Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd at Beertime

Na můj vkus příliš korektní pivo 😿. Hlavně aby si nikdo nestěžoval, že je moc hořké nebo pryskyřičné a příliš suché. To ale neznamená, že je špatné - jenže westcoast z Mosaicu a Citry nebude ten oldschool style, který mám nejraději.

Draft Draft

Check-in Photo

Potmehúd Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd

Radekow is drinking a Potmehúd Mostra IPA by Pivovar Potmehúd at Beertime

Draft Draft

Brewery Pioneer (Level 20) Earned the Brewery Pioneer (Level 20) badge! Draft City (Level 37) Earned the Draft City (Level 37) badge!
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