Vincent Yates: Surely not flavoured with star anise!?
This brewery is no longer in business.
Imdownthepub is drinking a Merlin's Revenge by Naylor's Brewery
May '11. Cask conditioned at a Wetherspoons.
Steve Lawrence is drinking a Cranachan by Naylor's Brewery
The Fat Cat 23/1/16 HCI
Purchased at The Fat Cat
Imdownthepub is drinking an Autumn Ale by Naylor's Brewery
Nov '11. Cask conditioned at a Wetherspoons.
Lea P is drinking a Pinnacle Porter by Naylor's Brewery
Historic Ratebeer Check In
Lea P is drinking a Habit-U-Ale by Naylor's Brewery
Historic Ratebeer Check In
Lea P is drinking a Ginger Beer by Naylor's Brewery
Historic Ratebeer Check In
Norman Wigley is drinking a Star Anise by Naylor's Brewery at Doncaster College
Very LCi: 17 April 2009. Me & Dave (RIP) at 19th Doncaster Beer Festival. Member of Best Bitters blind Judging Panel. IDs of ales not revealed until later. All members hated this. Not drinkable. Removed from sale
Purchased at The Hub
Vincent Yates: Surely not flavoured with star anise!?
Nov '09. Cask conditioned at a Wetherspoons.