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Dan FLX is drinking a DDH Gullfoss by Living Waters Brewing at Untappd at Home
Hey gang! Full review on YouTube, Cheers from FLX Beer Reviews 🍻 #FLXBeerReviews thx for the can Jonah S.

Michael G is drinking a Stellar Engine (Construct IIAR) by Living Waters Brewing at Living Waters Brewing
Purchased at Living Waters Brewing

Michael G is drinking an Enrichment Sphere Bday Cake by Living Waters Brewing at Living Waters Brewing

Michael G is drinking a Fjord by Living Waters Brewing at Living Waters Brewing
Spices are very well balanced. Very smooth
Purchased at Living Waters Brewing

soapywash is drinking a Kleinst by Living Waters Brewing at Pour Taproom Knoxville
Purchased at Pour Taproom Knoxville

William Walker is drinking a Gullfoss by Living Waters Brewing at Untappd at Home
Delectable. Could drink this daily and never tire.
Purchased at Living Waters Brewing

Charlie Smith is drinking an Echo by Living Waters Brewing at Hammer & Ale
Purchased at Hammer & Ale

Charlie Smith is drinking a Yosemite B6 by Living Waters Brewing at Hammer & Ale
Purchased at Hammer & Ale

William Walker is drinking a Nymph by Living Waters Brewing at Untappd at Home
Another fantastic bursting with flavor hazy from this brewery. Simply fabulous.
Purchased at Living Waters Brewing

gavin underwood is drinking a Saco by Living Waters Brewing at Untappd at Home
Really solid, smooth, but the sediment?

Troy McMurray is drinking a Fjord by Living Waters Brewing at Living Waters Brewing

Spencer Payton is drinking a Rinka by Living Waters Brewing