Leo Kastreva: Happy Friday Eve!!!
Global Recent Activity

Matt Naslanic is drinking an Oppaque - CR Citra Riwaka by Juicy Brewing Co at Juicy Brewing Co.
Purchased at Juicy Brewing Co.

AkaneCcc is drinking a Golden Nectaron by Juicy Brewing Co at 酒花派对
特别香 荔枝的香气挺重的 好喝

Peace Box is drinking a Golden Nectaron by Juicy Brewing Co

Qi Zhang is drinking a Golden Nectaron by Juicy Brewing Co

Steve Berchock is drinking an Opppaque - NES Nectaron Ekuanot Sultana by Juicy Brewing Co at Untappd at Home

Corey Manship is drinking a Mega Fresh - BPMC Banana Passionfruit Mango Coconut by Juicy Brewing Co at Juicy Brewing Co.
Some of the best in the game! Tastes like I’m at the beach! Not much else to say, sweet, fresh, excellent 🍌🥭🥥
Purchased at Juicy Brewing Co.

Chet Manship is drinking a Mega Dark BA Almond Macadamia Vanilla by Juicy Brewing Co at Juicy Brewing Co.
Suck it Steven R.
Purchased at Juicy Brewing Co.

Steven Ross: 25% of that will be consumed within the hour, 75% will be chugged before you have to leave bud
Chet Manship: Steven R.but it’s only 4 ounces 😭
Steven Ross: Chet M. 😂😂

Corey Manship is drinking an Oppaque - NRM Nectaron Riwaka Motueka by Juicy Brewing Co at Juicy Brewing Co.
Thursday slurps! Meeting the bro for some Juicy! Nectaron Riwaka and Motueka, three classic southern hemisphere hops. Dank and hoppy. Liverpool onto Wembley! Absolute ass kicking at Anfield today 💥
Purchased at Juicy Brewing Co.
Steven Ross: Ross K. anything to say?
Chet Manship: Where’s the tag pal
Steven Ross: Chet M. Chet honestly you’ve kinda been a letdown on this app since those Fidens ranks…
Chet Manship: Steven R. blocked 🛑

文静 孙 is drinking a Mega Fruit - GS Guava Strawberry by Juicy Brewing Co

Brian Kennedy is drinking a Mega Fresh - RSBCH - Raspberry, Blackberry, Chocolate by Juicy Brewing Co at Dunure
Thick and decadent. Berry smoothie with a lovely undercurrent of cocoa. Yum!

brian dawson is drinking an Opaque - CEM Citra Elani Mosaic by Juicy Brewing Co at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Juicy Brewing Co.

Christopher Louten is drinking a Mega Fresh - BPMC Banana Passionfruit Mango Coconut by Juicy Brewing Co

John Linton is drinking a Mega Fresh - PiMP Pineapple Mango Passionfruit by Juicy Brewing Co

John Linton is drinking a Mega Fruit - GS Guava Strawberry by Juicy Brewing Co

Purchased at Juicy Brewing Co.