Global Recent Activity

Brette Hankin is drinking a Kontrol Freak Kolsch by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon

Brette Hankin is drinking a Blackberry Golden Ale by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon

Sean Hankin is drinking a Kontrol Freak Kolsch by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon
Purchased at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon

nuut1717 is drinking a Charlie's Choice by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Brewhouse And Taproom

Drew Sills is drinking a Blonde Bombshell by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Taproom Old Ranch

Renee Sills is drinking a Blackjak Chocolate Porter by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Taproom Old Ranch

Timothy LaCoe is drinking a Kontrol Freak Kolsch by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon

Jack Clark is drinking a Blonde Bombshell by JAKs Brewing Company
Idk if I’m dehydrated but this is damn refreshing and smooth
Purchased at Colorado Craft Social

Anton Schulzki is drinking a Vienna Lager by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Amelia
A fine Vienna on a First Friday! Thanks JAKs!!
Purchased at JAKs Amelia

Anton Schulzki is drinking a Kast Off Irish Red by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Amelia
A fine red as we enter the season of the Irish!☘️
Purchased at JAKs Amelia

Ed is drinking a Kontrol Freak Kolsch by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Taproom Old Ranch

Ed is drinking a Sea You Later Baltic Porter by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Taproom Old Ranch
Roasty & smoother than I expected. But it's dense like I'd hope for a Baltic.

Ed is drinking a Charlie's Choice by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Taproom Old Ranch
Although ambers aren't my thing, I find altbtier Interesting. This has a nice maltiness and a soft mouthfeel.

Dustin Lucito is drinking a Blackjak Chocolate Porter by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Taproom
Purchased at JAKs Taproom

Rhonda Bowen-Cassidy is drinking a Pumpkin Pie Cream Ale by JAKs Brewing Company

Rusty Taylor is drinking a What the Hefe? by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon

David Weber is drinking a Charlie's Choice by JAKs Brewing Company at JAKs Amelia
Purchased at JAKs Amelia
Purchased at JAKs Brewing Company Falcon