John Einsfeld: Having a cider while watching Illinois?
Global Recent Activity

Bellamy Skok is drinking a Native: Oranje by Graft Cider at Untappd at Home

Seth Nagle is drinking a Book of Nomad | Ancient Aliens by Graft Cider at The Barley Mow

Steven Li is drinking a Salt & Sand by Graft Cider at Taco Mar
Purchased at Wegmans

Shaun Adams is drinking a Book of Nomad | Siege of Orion by Graft Cider at Untappd at Home
Fun blend. Almost effervescent canned wine vibes upfront but raz & apples hit in the finish.
Purchased at Savor Growl

James Dannibale is drinking a Book of Nomad | Siege Over Orion by Graft Cider at Untappd at Home
One of the better ciders I have had. slight cider taste and slight red wine taste with a buttery smooth finish.
Purchased at Full Monty Liquors

Cider is drinking a Lost Tropic NEW! by Graft Cider at Bentwood Tavern
cute. yumish

Zach Larnhart is drinking a Nomadic Lands | Book of Nomad by Graft Cider at Harvest

Nicholas Thompson is drinking a Birds of Paradise by Graft Cider at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Whole Foods Market

Brian Azman is drinking a Farm Flor by Graft Cider at Our Basement Bar
Level Up! sour, and then, if possible, more bitterness. let's just day "not my style" and leave it at that
Purchased at Standard Beer

Brian Azman: badge hunting. not sure which is more unpleasant, the cider or the game (so far)

Josh Cerreta is drinking a Ceremony NEW! by Graft Cider at Untappd at Home
Not sure why they sold this. Tastes like drinking a fart.

jyason Pete is drinking a Lost Tropic NEW! by Graft Cider

G Nitro is drinking a Book of Nomad | Siege Over Orion by Graft Cider at G-Nitro's K-Pop Beer Garden
Purchased at Graft Cider

Aundraya Hildebrand is drinking a Birds of Paradise by Graft Cider

s b is drinking a Labyrinth in the Sun by Graft Cider at 14th Street
Needs more flavor.

Ankit Vohra is drinking a Lost Tropic - OLD by Graft Cider at Emblem

Mela is drinking a Labyrinth in the Sun by Graft Cider at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Craft + Carry - Upper West Side