Eric M: get me a pour of the spruce with the firs 🌲
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Nicole Motley is drinking a Citradelic Brew by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

Nicole Motley is drinking a Glass Goose Hard Seltzer by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House
It was the best seltzer I’ve had because routinely I don’t like seltzers. I want the glass goose pineapple to try!

Nicole Motley is drinking a Goose and the Funky by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

jay Smith is drinking a Glass Goose Hard Seltzer by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

jay Smith is drinking a Seductive Mullet by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

jay Smith is drinking a L3 by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

Nick Trotter is drinking a Wandering Pig New England IPA by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House
Purchased at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

Mark M. is drinking a Similar But Different by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Lowes Foods #206 - Peters Creek
A solid bready light lager with a cloudy golden color and a bright white head. Nothing overly fancy from Goose and the Monkey, but just a crushable light beer.
Purchased at Lowes Foods #206 - Peters Creek

Richard G is drinking an Abominable Snowcream by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Cellar & Ale
Good Morning Vietnam, is this you?

Tim is drinking a Seductive Mullet by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Untappd at Home

Andrew D is drinking an Abominable Snowcream by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Local Bottle Shop
Crushable blonde stout.
Purchased at Local Bottle Shop

jeff sessoms is drinking a Cosmic Punch Ale by Goose and the Monkey Brewhouse at Goose And The Monkey Brew House

My draft was even better than the flight.