mr scribbles: Vets! Love it
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Matthew Cox is drinking a Maine Brewers' Guild Collaboration Beer 2023 by Flight Deck Brewing at Untappd at Home

Monica Lakin is drinking a Takeoff Tripel by Flight Deck Brewing at Flight Deck Brewing

Monica Lakin is drinking a Get There From Here by Flight Deck Brewing at Flight Deck Brewing

Monica Lakin is drinking a Real Maine Italian Pilsner by Flight Deck Brewing at Flight Deck Brewing

Monica Lakin is drinking a Plane Beer by Flight Deck Brewing at Flight Deck Brewing

Monica Lakin is drinking a Sour Tower by Flight Deck Brewing at Flight Deck Brewing

Chelsea Lane is drinking The Incredible Blube Tube by Flight Deck Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Brackett's Market

Matthew Cox is drinking a Bird Clock by Flight Deck Brewing at Flight Deck Brewing

John Herrick is drinking a Wings by Flight Deck Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at roopers minot ave

Rich Raymond is drinking a Space-A by Flight Deck Brewing at Kezar Pond
Glen brought this one to open. West coast up in here. Cheers

Philip Richard is drinking a Remove Before Flight by Flight Deck Brewing
The beer was great and pizza was great too. Bought a 4 pack of Remove Before Flight to bring home.

chris is drinking a Sour Tower by Flight Deck Brewing

Chelsea Lane is drinking The Incredible Blube Tube by Flight Deck Brewing at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Brackett's Market

Purchased at Patmans Redemption Center and Agency Liquor Store