Global Recent Activity

renoll6938 is drinking a Cream Bee by Animal Army at The Fiddler

Bennett N is drinking a Sea Lion's IPA by Animal Army at The Fiddler
Purchased at The Fiddler

mikea03 is drinking a Fuzzy Bear by Animal Army at The Fiddler
Kiemgroente wortel en english breakfast

KG is drinking a Fuzzy Bear by Animal Army

Thijs de Vries is drinking a Howling Wolf by Animal Army at The Fiddler
Bock isn't one of my go-to styles of beer but I like this one. It's flavourful but not thick and syrup-y sweet.

Thijs de Vries is drinking a Fuzzy Bear by Animal Army at The Fiddler
This bear is fuzzy.

Thijs de Vries is drinking a Redhead by Animal Army at The Fiddler
A very attractive redhead. A little sweet and very smooth.

Daan van der Weijden is drinking a Long Neck by Animal Army at The Fiddler
Purchased at The Fiddler

Daan van der Weijden is drinking a Howling Wolf by Animal Army at The Fiddler
Purchased at The Fiddler

Simon Rodriguez is drinking a Sea Lion's IPA by Animal Army at The Fiddler

Frank Pot is drinking a Fuzzy Bear by Animal Army

Leo Czarnecki is drinking a Fuzzy Bear by Animal Army at The Fiddler

Yarno is drinking a Maximilian by Animal Army at Untappd at Home
Purchased at The Fiddler

Mark is drinking a Maximilian by Animal Army at The Fiddler
Purchased at The Fiddler