Global Recent Activity

Lars Ericson is drinking a Porter Vanilj Kakao by Ekerö Brygghus at Karrebæksminde Feriecenter

Mikael Jansson is drinking a Jungfrusund Svensk Kellerbier by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home

Karin is drinking a #24064 Fresh IPA by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home

Per-Ewert is drinking a Jungfrusund Svensk Kellerbier by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home

Henrik Nilsson is drinking a Jungfrusund Svensk Kellerbier by Ekerö Brygghus

Johan Berglund is drinking a Jungfrusund Svensk Kellerbier by Ekerö Brygghus at Sun Nest Rd
SportlovsBolognese på G med Källaröl som smakar källare 👊🍺

ted cederberg is drinking a Hallon Rabarber Sour Ale by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home
Riktigt god sour ale hallon & rabarber

ted cederberg is drinking a #24064 Fresh IPA by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home
Ölen växte ju mer jag drack. Bra gjort Kerryn

Mats Hagberg is drinking a Jungfrusund Svensk Kellerbier by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home
Smakade ingenting! En menlös kellerbier.
Purchased at Systembolaget

Niclas Deling is drinking a #24064 Fresh IPA by Ekerö Brygghus at Untappd at Home
Purchased at lindhagen

Bidoo Schaumkrone is drinking a PILS by Ekerö Brygghus at Maria Ölverkstad / Barrels Burgers & Beer / Tritonia

Ola Sjöstedt is drinking a Hazy Pale by Ekerö Brygghus at The Old Brewer - Public House & Dining Room

Anders Sjödin is drinking a HiFi by Ekerö Brygghus at BrewDog Södermalm
Purchased at BrewDog Södermalm
Smells lots of yuzu, like incredibly much, chili, citrusy, floral, sour, quite pungent. Tastes lots of yuzu, fruity, notes of chili, sour but not annoyingly sour, floral, rather thin body
Purchased at Systembolaget