Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol logo

Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Surzur, Bretagne France


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1,574 Ratings

16 Beers


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Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Luc Thys is drinking a Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Untappd at Home

Bottle Bottle


Johnny Appleseed (Level 30) Earned the Johnny Appleseed (Level 30) badge! La Crème de la Crème (Level 36) Earned the La Crème de la Crème (Level 36) badge!

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Cidre Fermier De Rhuys by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Daria Shamai is drinking a Cidre Fermier De Rhuys by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Taphouse

Draft Draft

Verified Adventure (Level 94) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 94) badge! Draft City (Level 43) Earned the Draft City (Level 43) badge!

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Cidre Fermier De Rhuys by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Barak Mayer is drinking a Cidre Fermier De Rhuys by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Taphouse

Draught at Taphouse. Clear deep golden. Apples, a bit of sulphur, quite dry, slightly sourish. 636312

Beer of the World (Level 21) Earned the Beer of the World (Level 21) badge! Johnny Appleseed (Level 8) Earned the Johnny Appleseed (Level 8) badge!
Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Carl Mc is drinking a Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at La Cidrerie

(I think it’s this one!?) Softly carbonated. Sweetened apple taste upfront, which soon drys into light skin tannins with a very delicate tinge of walnut and an even lighter touch of aniseed.

Draft Draft

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Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Александр Корт is drinking a Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Зуевка

Карамельные, моченые яблочки, сдоба. Сухой. Яблочная кожура. Очень хороший, самобытный, обязательно нужно пробовать

Purchased at ALCoHALL

Bottle Bottle

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Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Sven Gijsbers is drinking a Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Crêperie de La Chandeleur

Bottle Bottle

Bar Explorer (Level 15) Earned the Bar Explorer (Level 15) badge! Middle of the Road (Level 42) Earned the Middle of the Road (Level 42) badge!

Check-in Photo

Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Sami Giroud is drinking a Cidre Bouché Breton Brut by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Bon cidre bien dosé chacal

Bottle Bottle

Johnny Appleseed Earned the Johnny Appleseed badge!

Check-in Photo

C&B by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Louis Deblonde is drinking a C&B by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Untappd at Home

Excellent, tire surtout sur le cidre, ressemble très fortement à une Faro. Forte note de pomme et très sucré, bière légère pour l'été comme l'hiver

Bottle Bottle

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Rose de Pomme by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol

Denis Denisov is drinking a Rose de Pomme by Cidrerie de Rhuys Nicol at Untappd at Home

Отлично сбалансированный праздничный напиток! Для меня возможно слишком сладкий, но без негатива! Всех с нг друзья!

Bottle Bottle

Untappd at Home (Level 51) Earned the Untappd at Home (Level 51) badge! Verified Adventure (Level 50) Earned the Verified Adventure (Level 50) badge!

Check-in Photo

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