Max Bessette: Wow! Et ça bien vieillit de ce que je comprend!🤟😎
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Anders KA is drinking an Espresso Corsé Dums Coffee by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Saupstad Skistadion
Mild kaffe-stout, helt sikkert pga tilsatt laktose. Verken i overkant bitter, eller for søt.

Mike Milton is drinking a Nanaimo by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Palace Royal

Jean-francois Wiszniewski is drinking a Biscuit Chocolat Blanc Et Macadam by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Untappd at Home
Purchased at La Bière À Boire

Sonya Delisle is drinking a Truffe Amaretto by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Untappd at Home
Purchased at IGA Extra

J-M Maurice is drinking a Truffe Amaretto by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Hilton Lac-Leamy

Clau Der is drinking a Stout Blanc - Blonde Cacao Café by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie

Hugo Dominguez is drinking a Pâte D'Amande by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Untappd at Home

Blanc Feu is drinking a Grande Réserve Bourbon - Pimentée by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie
Bien aimé, mais le fond rendait le tout plus confus. Pas mal piquante.

Patrick Lamarche is drinking a Café Du Bûcheron by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Beauregard

Christian Paul-Delage is drinking a Pâte D'Amande by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Untappd at Home
Other than a hint of coffee, I can't taste the other flavours they claim because it's so tart, it leaves a throw up after taste in my throat. One of the very rare times I didn't finish a beer due to the taste alone.

Dingleberry Philips is drinking a Chêne Réaction Bourbon by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie

Joëlle Fortin is drinking a Smoothie by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie at Untappd at Home
Purchased at Beauregard

Benoit Surprenant is drinking a Bourbon Érable De Glace by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie
On est là à soir 👊🏽

Sebastien McDonald is drinking a Sûre Légère Framboise Et Vanille by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie

Erik Aukland is drinking a Biscuit Chocolat Blanc Et Macadam by Beauregard Brasserie-Distillerie

Purchased at Espace Houblon